Friday, March 23, 2007

Please excuse me . . . I'm needed in Surgery!

Some of you know that I am being displaced from my current job and have been seeking my next exciting opportunity. I was interested in improving on my acute care skills and learning more about anatomy, physiology and pharmacology, so I applied for an OR Specialty Training Course offered through Vancouver Coastal Health. I was offered a position last month! The training is full-time for 5 months (paid!) starting in April. As long as I don't prove to be dangerously incompetent (Thanks, Leigh, for the portrait ; ), I will then fill a full-time line at Lion's Gate Hospital in North Van. In the meantime I am doing a pre-course online module that involves a ton of reading - never my strong suit.

I am looking forward to a break from studying for our picnic at Crescent Beach in April! Thanks, Lori for initiating a get together once again - we can always count on you : )

Sunday, March 4, 2007

I'm special

Well as some of you know and some of you may not know but it is my brithday next week (and also steph's) I would like to invite you all out for a fun filled night which will probably end with a very drunk me, and hopefully you too. The plan is for feb. 9th; thats friday. I don't know much else about the plan but it will have something to do with drinks at mine and karens new place on maple and cornwall near kits beach and then maybe out to unwined ( for drinks and dessert or something like that. Email me and let me know if you can make it so I can make reservations and steal chairs from my neighbour angela so everyone doesnt have to sit on the floor.
Hope to see you all on Friday.
PS. I want a baby giraffe

Saturday, March 3, 2007

And the Local Vancouver Theatre Award Goes to . . .

Stephanie Kemp - Stage Manager - for her excellent lighting and sound coordination of the play Women4Women written and performed by the Leaping Thespians!!!

David and I went to see the play on opening night and it was awesome! We were really impressed with the depth of the characters and the way in which the actors expressed their dual identities (real and on-line) and the nuances between the two. Of course, most impressive was the masterful manipulation of the set via props, lights, and music! Well done Steph : )

The play runs tonight, and again next week from Tuesday the 6th to Saturday the 10th. It is well worth a viewing! So get out there and support local theatre and our friend Steph!